I’m Bored and Don’t Know What to Write

…so, yeah, the title says it all. Sitting in a computer lab between classes, having finished all your assignments…You’d think that’d be at least fairly entertaining. I mean, I have the entire internet at my fingertips! If you think that, you obviously seriously underestimate the amount of time I spend online. There are days when I have to physically restrain myself from typing in a domain that I know nothing’s changed on because I’m so tired of what I was already doing (reddit).

And then there are also those days that I’m just bored of everything. I don’t think that this is one of those days, cuz I think I’m still looking forward to certain things today, and I certainly don’t want to be in class, which has to count for something…right? At least it’s not one of those days that I get bored of my music. Those are awful, awful days. Why? you may be asking. Why is it so horrible? Well, my answer is this: I always have music on. I cannot work in silence, I cannot sleep in silence, I cannot daydream in silence. I stop being able to think if I can’t have some sort of noise going on. I don’t usually sleep with some sort of music going (a fan is enough for that), but that doesn’t work during the day. My mind is too active to hear it and ignore it, if that makes sense. It just completely tunes it out, which ruins the purpose of having some sort of noise in the background. Some may suggest using the TV as background noise. Well…have you heard some of those commercials? (or some of those TV shows??) I do this on occasion, but it usually just ends with me turning the TV off because I’m pissed off at whatever show/commercial is playing right then (it happens most often with Cartoon Network, surprisingly).

Thankfully, today, music is good. I even have a plan B if my usual Pandora station of metal-mixed-with-musicals doesn’t do it for me (Lotte Kestner, for those wondering- Thanks Rob! ..if you even read this). 

And I have managed to write a sizable blog post about my inability to do anything without sound. Good enough for now, I guess. Hopefully I’ll write something not quite as boring tonight. Depends on whether or not Dr. Professor is on form today. =P